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Inspirational Tisha Campbell-Martin Quotes

Motivational Tisha Campbell-Martin Quotes and Sayings

Tisha Campbell-Martin Quotes:- Tisha Campbell -Martin (born October 13, 1968) is an American actress, singer, and dancer.

Inspirational Tisha Campbell-Martin Quotes

At the beginning of my career, all I did was drama, and I couldn’t get arrested doing comedy; nobody would hire me!
Tisha Campbell-Martin

Inspirational Tisha Campbell-Martin Quotes

Autistic children are extremely bright if you can connect to them and bring them into our world. Socially it’s really hard for them, but it can happen.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

I became an actress and studied human emotions so that I could give the gift of feelings to my son. This is what my whole journey has been about.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

I hang out with people who are amazing parents and really value a rich living. I’m not talking about monetarily. I’m talking spiritually and mentally, and we help make sure that each one is on their game for their spouses.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

It’s a good note for any young hopeful in this business to take: study up and make sure you are informed at all times because knowing how to anticipate someone’s subtle nuances in performance will only elevate your own art!
Tisha Campbell-Martin

Although I look really good holding a gun, I can’t shoot. I can’t shoot anything. I’m the worst shot.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

I figure out who I’m playing opposite, and I really do study them.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

I was diagnosed with a lung disorder that some people walk around with and don’t even know they have. Through early diagnosis, I’m happy to share that I stay healthy with diet and exercise.
Tisha Campbell-Martin