You are currently viewing 50+ Famous Easter Slogans And Taglines
Easter Slogans

50+ Famous Easter Slogans And Taglines

Easter Slogans:- Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary.

In this post, we are going to share with you a list of 50+ Easter slogans, chants, phrases & sayings.

List Of Famous Easter Slogans And Sayings

An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare.


Beat the Easter Rush Come to Church this Sunday.


Crosses of gold, good wishes this Easter…Happy Easter.

Catchy Easter Slogans and Sayings

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


Easter candy is yummy, as it goes down my tummy.


Don’t bother looking for eggs.

Easter is a moment to praise eternal life.


Come in today and beat the Easter crowd.


Easter is here, spreading the colorful cheer.

Catchy Easter Slogans and Sayings

Because the tomb is empty, the church should be full.


25+ Catchy Easter Slogans and Sayings


Easter is more than something to dye for.


Christians celebrate Easter every Sunday!


Easter is the Reason for the Season.

I’m Jewish, so I don’t know much about Easter eggs.


Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance


Give not into the depths of darkness, Easter sheds light.


Easter teaches that tomorrow holds possible miracles.


He Lives! Jesus Lives today.

Hippity hoppity Easters on its way.


I hope your Easter is a happy one!


15+ Catchy Easter Slogans and Taglines


It is the hour to rend thy chains, The blossom time of souls


Jesus paid the price. You get to keep the change.


May this Easter be an Eggtastic for you.


Keep calm & carry on eating Easter Eggs!


May your Easter be eggcellent!


Remember to pray on Easter Day.

Some bunny loves you.


Wishing you loads of Easter Joy, to every girl and boy.


Spring is in the air – God is everywhere!


Without Good Friday, Easter would be impossible.