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Motivational Baltasar Garzon Quotes and Sayings

Motivational Baltasar Garzon Quotes and Sayings

Baltasar Garzon Quotes:- Baltasar Garzon (born 26 October 1955) is a former Spanish judge. Garzon formerly served on Spain’s central criminal court, the Audiencia Nacional, and was the examining magistrate of the Juzgado Central de Instrucción No. 5, which investigates the most important criminal cases in Spain, including terrorism, organized crime, and money laundering. In 2011, he was suspended from judicial activity, and in 2012 he was convicted of illegal wiretapping and disbarred for a period of 11 years.

Inspirational Baltasar Garzon Quotes

“I hope that’s working like we wanted it to.”
Baltasar Garzon

Inspirational Baltasar Garzon Quotes

“All I’ve done is my job, and I intend to continue doing it. And I’m not especially worried about the criticism that comes from the bench.”
Baltasar Garzon

“The state of the law is equal for all people. It cannot depend on electoral politics.”
Baltasar Garzon

“Theater is a really exciting place to return to all the time because it’s incredible training for an actor.”
Baltasar Garzon

“People who don’t have gender dysphoria aren’t going to catch it by watching me dance on television.”
Baltasar Garzon

“A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything.”
Baltasar Garzon

“smart talk trap.”17 This a syndrome where companies hire, reward, and promote people for sounding smart rather than making sure that smart things are done.”
Baltasar Garzon

“Women of the world crave excitement.”
Baltasar Garzon

“It’s a funny thing that to be a product of a fairytale romance. It’s another thing to think you might find one yourself. You can read the stories and watch the movies, you can think you know how it all unfolds. But the truth is love is as much fate as it is planning, as beautiful as it is a disaster.”
Baltasar Garzon

“In the day-to-day, farm work is stress relief for me. At the end of the day, I love having this other career – my anti-job – that keeps me in shape and gives me control over a vegetal domain.”
Baltasar Garzon

“I enjoy recording and performing, but it’s the songwriting that I love most.”
Baltasar Garzon

“It’s a plan of yours, Kitty. I’m sure it’s going to go haywire somewhere.”
Baltasar Garzon

“No tea cup is big enough nor book long enough for me to be satisfied.”
Baltasar Garzon