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Motivational Barbara Ann Radnofsky Quotes

Motivational Barbara Ann Radnofsky Quotes

Barbara Ann Radnofsky Quotes:- Barbara Ann Radnofsky (born July 8, 1956) is a Democratic politician, author, and mediator from the U.S. state of Texas. She was the first woman to have won the Democratic nomination for a U.S. Senate seat in Texas. Radnofsky was born in Broomall, Pennsylvania. She grew up in Houston and entered the University of Houston at age 16 on a National Merit four-year academic scholarship. She received her B.A. in 1976, graduating magna cum laude. Barbara Ann then attended law school at the University of Texas School of Law, graduating with honors in 1979. Radnofsky has three children with her husband, Ed Supkis, a doctor.

Inspirational Barbara Ann Radnofsky Quotes

“A State can sue for negligence as well as fraud damages.”
Barbara Ann Radnofsky

Inspirational Barbara Ann Radnofsky Quotes

“The Supreme Court, in 2005, emphasized and contrasted the great power of Congress under the Commerce Clause to regulate interstate commerce versus much more limited federal power under the discarded Articles of Confederation.”
Barbara Ann Radnofsky

“Congress mandated that health care providers in emergency departments and ambulances provide emergency care to anyone in need, including the uninsured and underinsured.”
Barbara Ann Radnofsky

“As taxpayers, we pay our elected officials to serve the people and protect our state and our interests.”
Barbara Ann Radnofsky

“Health care providers, saving lives daily in our emergency rooms, live with federal mandates.”
Barbara Ann Radnofsky