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Brigitte Macron Quotes

Motivational Brigitte Macron Quotes and Sayings

Brigitte Macron Quotes:- Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux-Macron (born 13 April 1953) is a French schoolteacher who is the wife of Emmanuel Macron, President of France and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra since May 2017.

In 2015, to help support her husband in his political career, she ended her career as a teacher of literature at a prestigious private high school, Lycée Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, in Paris.

Inspirational Brigitte Macron Quotes

“I have never been attracted by younger men.”-Brigitte Macron


“There are times in your life where you need to make vital choices.”-Brigitte Macron


“I wasn’t a very well-behaved girl. I was often in detention for impertinence.”-Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron Quotes

“It is very clear in my mind that the French people elected Emmanuel, and they haven’t elected me, although they knew, of course, that we were a couple.”-Brigitte Macron


“I go out every day in Paris.”-Brigitte Macron


“I have the impression that every word is a word too many. I’m constantly holding myself back.”-Brigitte Macron


“I would never leave the house before choosing an outfit and doing my hair – the results may vary, but I cannot do otherwise.”-Brigitte Macron


“I’m really into fashion, and there’s this fascination the world over around this idea of the French woman.”-Brigitte Macron


“I’m still the wife of Emmanuel Macron, not of the president.”-Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron quotes

“I have no idea what to wear; Nicolas Ghesquiere has made me a wardrobe for every circumstance.”-Brigitte Macron


“I think that the 21st century will be feminine, that it’s women who will, perhaps, find a way out for this world.”-Brigitte Macron


Best Brigitte Macron quotes about love


“I have always put a lot of effort into the way I present myself; just ask my children or students!”-Brigitte Macron


“I don’t feel like the ‘first,’ or the last, or a lady. I am Brigitte Macron!”-Brigitte Macron


‘Babylone, Babylone’ is remarkable. Emmanuel is fascinated by Mexico. He knows the country without having been there… I am amazed by his intellectual capacities. He is extraordinary. I am talking about the man, not about my husband.”-Brigitte Macron


“I’m a creature of the eighteenth century at heart: The Enlightenment and the search for happiness suit me.”-Brigitte Macron


“I wore miniskirts when I was younger. We used to hide them in our bags before going out.”-Brigitte Macron


“I’m lucky to have met Nicolas Ghesquiere, the creative director of Vuitton. He understands me and knows me, and I admire his sensibility and talent. Karl Lagerfeld is another huge designer and artist for whom I feel affection and admiration.”-Brigitte Macron


“I have a boundless passion for Flaubert. It’s unthinkable to me that someone might not have read ‘Madame Bovary.’ He writes with a scalpel. Everything has meaning. My students were not allowed not to like him!”-Brigitte Macron