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Emmanuel Macron Quotes

Motivational Emmanuel Macron quotes and Sayings

Emmanuel Macron Quotes:- Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron (born 21 December 1977) is a French politician serving as President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra since 2017.

Inspirational Emmanuel Macron quotes

“As to the eurozone avant-garde, it must go towards more solidarity and integration: a common budget, a common borrowing capability, and fiscal convergence.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Believe in individual initiatives, in courage, in risk.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Democratic states must have access to content exchanged between terrorists on social media and instant messaging.”-Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron quotes

“Don’t leave criticism of the E.U. to those who hate it.”-Emmanuel Macron


“E.U. is the first global domestic market.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Europe and the world are waiting for us to defend the spirit of Enlightenment, threatened in so many places.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Europe and the world are waiting for us to defend the spirit of the enlightenment everywhere.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Europe’s younger generation has only experienced austerity.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Even if the Brits decide to remain, we will have to avoid a contagion on other countries.”-Emmanuel Macron


“France has always succeeded because it is part of the world.”-Emmanuel Macron


“France has to accelerate in terms of reform.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I am attached to a strict approach to Brexit: I respect the British vote, but the worst thing would be a sort of weak E.U. vis-a-vis the British.”-Emmanuel Macron


“France has to reform, to recover, and get more competitiveness.”-Emmanuel Macron


“France is a strong, wealthy country.”-Emmanuel Macron


Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Economy


“Historically speaking, the French economy was largely driven by the demand side.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Honesty compels me to say that I am not a socialist. But so what?”-Emmanuel Macron


“I am a newcomer. I want to remain a newcomer. That is my DNA.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I am from the Left, but I am happy to work with people from the Right.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I am not a socialist.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I am proud of my immaturity and political inexperience.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I bring the spirit of French conquest.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I come all wreathed in a reputation the press has made for me. Judge me on my actions. That’s all that counts.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I don’t have luxurious tastes or great needs, but my independence is worth a lot to me.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I don’t want to create a too-big-to-fail player.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I have a vision of my country, and I cannot sit and watch things pass by.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I have decided to create a new political movement.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I know the divisions in our nation that led some to extreme votes. I respect them.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I learned the life of a business, commerce – it’s an art.”-Emmanuel Macron


Best Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Business


“I make no concessions to conformism.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I push reforms. I tell the truth to people, even when it’s tough for the country.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I realized how much the system did not want to change.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I think when people have pudding and jobs, they vote for you.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I want France to become the European hub for R&D.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I want to be the president of all the people of France, for the patriots facing the threat of nationalism.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I want to become the president of all the people of France – the president of the patriots in the face of the threat from the nationalists.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I want to help with Muslim integration. If you follow the line of Marine Le Pen, you create a civil war.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I want to unite our people and our country. I will serve you with humility and force in the name of liberty, egalite, fraternite.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I will defend Europe; it is our civilization which is at stake… I will work to rebuild ties between Europe and its citizens.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I will do everything to make sure you never have reason again to vote for extremes.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I will fight with all my power against the divisions that undermine us and which are tearing us apart.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I will lead a fight against Islamist terrorism at every level.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I will protect and defend France’s vital interests. I will protect and defend Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


Famous Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Europe


“If approval was a criterion in this country, nothing would ever get done.”-Emmanuel Macron


“If I was British, I would vote resolutely ‘remain’ because it’s in the U.K.’s interest.”-Emmanuel Macron


“If I were to reason like those who roll out red carpets, I would say we might have some repatriations from the City of London.”-Emmanuel Macron


“If people do not believe in Europe and in the euro area, it must be dismantled.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I’m a child of provincial France.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I’m in a left-wing government, unashamedly… but I also want to work with people from the Right who commit to the same values.”-Emmanuel Macron


“I’m not a movie star, and I don’t want to become a movie star.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Long live the Republic, long live France.”-Emmanuel Macron


“My key message is be innovative, be ambitious; think global and big on day one.”-Emmanuel Macron


“My priority is my economy minister mandate and to create momentum.”-Emmanuel Macron


“My responsibility will be to unite all the women and men ready to take on the tremendous challenges which are waiting for us, and to act.”-Emmanuel Macron


“No matter who you voted for, I do not hold anything against you.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Our language, history, and civilization shine out across every continent.”-Emmanuel Macron


“People find it difficult to accept something that is sincere and unique.”-Emmanuel Macron


Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Politics


“Political experience is political inefficacy.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Popularity isn’t an objective in itself. I’m not in this game.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Popularity isn’t my compass. Unless it can help one to act, to be understood… that’s what counts.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The best way to afford a suit is to work.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The challenge is to open a new page in our political life and to take action so that everyone is able to find his or her place in France and in Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The doctors, whether based in Brussels or Paris, draw the same conclusions and write the same prescriptions.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The French are consistent.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The functioning of our society is in a certain way sclerotic.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The only way governments or would-be governments respond to ills these days is by seeking to lower the temperature… and that tends to mean public spending.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The refugee crisis is a challenge for the whole of Europe, and Europe – it’s a very fair point to say it’s not just a security issue. It’s also an economic issue.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The refugee crisis shows we can’t be isolated from the world’s geopolitical troubles.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The state has an offensive and defensive role to play as promoter of industrial policies, as regulator and as shareholder.”-Emmanuel Macron


Top Emmanuel Macron Quotes About France


“The status quo leads to self-destruction.”-Emmanuel Macron


“The strategy we must follow is to defend the special relationship between Great Britain and Europe and, more specifically, between Europe and France.”-Emmanuel Macron


“There is no access to the market without budgetary contributions… and without respect for the four freedoms of the E.U.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Through work, education, and culture, I will give hope to our country.”-Emmanuel Macron


“To create greater convergence, we need more intergration.”-Emmanuel Macron


“To think that our political organisation is immutable is the best way to hand the country over to the extremes.”-Emmanuel Macron


“Under the French system, you have to take into consideration that every five years, the president is directly elected by the people. He’s the one that has the legitimacy.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We are a continent of refugees, and if you say we can’t integrate refugees, that’s not consistent with our values, even if borders cannot be wide open.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We back Hinkley Point project. It’s very important for France; it’s very important for the nuclear sector and EDF.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We can’t fix the real problems if we only cauterize and don’t treat the roots of evil.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We can’t have our industry progressively destroyed by cheap Chinese imports.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have a great history; we have a great humanist face to put forward to the world.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have a huge responsibility to make sure that Europe remains a prosperous and peaceful continent.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have a lack of growth in Europe, in eurozone, and in France, and we are struggling hard to recover and restore this growth.”-Emmanuel Macron


Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Life


“We have no choice but to reform this country.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have the eurozone. Could we accept to be cleared, regulated, and de facto have inflows and outflows from a country that has decided to leave the E.U.? For me, definitely not.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have the force, the energy, and the determination, and we will not give in to fear.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have to accept the idea that Europe will be made on a two-speed basis, with a union based on solidarity and differentiation.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have to breathe new life into Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have to provide more visibility, more certainty to the investors and reduce the cost of failure.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have to reconcile Europeans with Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We have to shift the social model from a lot of formal protections toward loosening bottlenecks in the economy.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We need people who dream impossible things, who maybe fail, sometimes succeed, but in any case who have that ambition.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We need to deal with the economy and the moral weakness of the country.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We need to go faster on structural reforms in France.”-Emmanuel Macron


Emmanuel Macron Quotes About Democracy


“We need to restore democracy and sovereignty in Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We need young Frenchmen who want to become billionaires.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We should not replicate the situation where one country is in a situation to hijack the rest of Europe because they organize a referendum.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We will open a new bunch of reforms regarding the labor market to make it simpler and adaptable, more flexible.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We’re not isolated from the world. The world knocks on our door.”-Emmanuel Macron


“We’ve created rigidities at the entrance point in artisanal occupations.”-Emmanuel Macron


“What matters to me is to find rational solutions for those that are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.”-Emmanuel Macron


“What we need is a common goal for more Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“What we need is much more flexibility for the labour markets.”-Emmanuel Macron


“When politics is no longer a mission but a profession, politicians become more self-serving than public servants.”-Emmanuel Macron


“When the president and the prime minister decide to implement reforms, they have all the measures they need to pass them and enforce them.”-Emmanuel Macron


“You can block a marriage, but you cannot force a marriage.”-Emmanuel Macron


“You can suddenly have a series of countries waking up and saying, ‘I want the same status as the Brits,’ which will be, de facto, the dismantling of the rest of Europe.”-Emmanuel Macron


“You have to learn to fight for things, to bear the burden and have a life which does not in any way correspond to other peoples’ lives.”-Emmanuel Macron