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Motivational Abbott L. Lowell Quotes And Sayings

Abbott L. Lowell Quotes:- Abbott Lawrence Lowell (December 13, 1856 – January 6, 1943) was a U.S. educator and legal scholar. He was President of Harvard University from 1909 to 1933.

Inspirational Abbott L. Lowell Quotes

You will not accept credit that is due to another or harbor jealousy of an explorer who is more fortunate.
Abbott L. Lowell

Inspirational Abbott L. Lowell Quotes

Of course, there’s a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don’t take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates.
Abbott L. Lowell

You will seek not a near but a distant objective, and you will not be satisfied with what you may have done.
Abbott L. Lowell

All social life, stability, progress, depend upon each man’s confidence in his neighbor, a reliance upon him to do his duty.
Abbott L. Lowell

All that you may achieve or discover you will regard as a fragment of a larger pattern of the truth which from the separate approaches every true scholar is striving to descry.
Abbott L. Lowell

You will be courteous to your elders who have explored to the point from which you may advance; and helpful to your juniors who will progress farther by reason of your labors.
Abbott L. Lowell

Your aim will be knowledge and wisdom, not the reflected glamour of fame.
Abbott L. Lowell

Pleasure is a by-product of doing something that is worth doing. Therefore, do not seek pleasure as such. Pleasure comes of seeking something else, and comes by the way.
Abbott L. Lowell

The mark of an educated man is the ability to make a reasoned guess on the basis of insufficient information.
Abbott L. Lowell